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Update for Driver CPC Training!

As you are all aware the Government announced Level 5 restrictions across the State for six weeks from midnight October 21st until December 1st in a bid to curtail the spread of Covid-19.
Although the country is moving to Level 5 the RSA’s position has not changed in relation to the delivery of Driver CPC Training.
The Government guidelines outline that the service provided by CPC Training Organisations can be identified in the following section –
14(i) Public Administration, Emergency Services and Defence - ’regulatory processes and certification required to ensure supply chains’ - although Training Organisations are not public bodies they do provide a service approved by the RSA through the provision of training and ensuring drivers are qualified to drive and be part of the supply chain.
In addition, in section 16(b) Education – CPC training comes under ‘further education .….. where such activities cannot be held remotely’.
For the reasons stipulated above, CPC training is deemed to be an essential service therefore those drivers wishing to attend for their training are permitted to do so, even if traveling
outside their own jurisdiction.
ADTA will ensure that when delivering CPC training courses that all protective measures are in place before facilitating training -
  • Training rooms will be set out to allow for a minimum of 2 metres (6.5 feet) in between each driver during the training day.
  • Face coverings/masks should be worn.
Based on the information received from the RSA, ADTA will continue to provide training in their own training Centre in 4 Church Avenue Mullingar Westmeath N91X070 and Talbot Hotel, Carlow.
Please note that CPC training should only take place in an RSA approved training centre.